Facilities Use Policy
Lawrence Public Schools (LPS) believes its buildings and facilities are community assets, and as such their availability and use beyond their primary educational purpose is to be encouraged. To ensure maximum community benefit and the safe and responsible use of buildings while continuing to prioritize the needs of Lawrence’s K-12 students, this policy shall apply to all LPS facility use by non-school parties.
- LPS Non-Facility Use Policy
- LPS Non-Facility Terms and Conditions & Rental Application (includes the rental application, rental rates and fees)
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Wireless Usage Policies
It is the intention of the IS&T Department of Lawrence Public Schools to provide a high level of reliability and security when using the wireless network. Wireless Access Points provide shared bandwidth and so as the number of users increases the available bandwidth per user decreases. As such, please show consideration for other users and refrain from running high bandwidth applications and operations such as downloading large music files and video from the Internet. Network reliability is determined by the level of user traffic and accessibility. Wireless networking is to be considered supplemental access to the LPS network. Wired access is still the preferred way for connectivity.
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Social Media Use Policy
Lawrence Public Schools (LPS) values, school, classroom, parent, student and community voice and engagement. To that end, LPS supports, as one of many tools for communication, the responsible use of social media. District employees who engage in work-related or personal use of social media are responsible to read, understand and adhere to this policy.
For the purposes of this policy, social media shall be defined as any online-based tools and applications used to share and distribute information, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat and Instagram.™
This policy provides guidance for professional and personal use, including training and community participant guidelines. Additionally, LPS staff and student Code of Conduct, Non-Discrimination, and Acceptable Use policies apply to all social media activity, as do student and staff confidentiality laws and guidelines.
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Accessibility Grievance Policies
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Web Accessibility Policy
In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities. The law (29 U.S.C § 794 (d)) applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Under Section 508, agencies must give disabled employees and members of the public access to information comparable to the access available to others. The following grievance process is intended to provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints regarding the website involving discrimination or access on the basis of disability.
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Website Privacy Policy
This privacy policy applies only to the use of this website. As you navigate this website, you may see links that, when clicked, will take you to other websites operated by other state agencies and, in certain rare instances, websites that are external to Lawrence Public Schools. These other websites have individual privacy policies tailored to the interactions available through those sites. We strongly suggest that you read the privacy policies for each website that you visit through any link appearing on this site.
At this website, we do our best to protect your privacy to the maximum extent possible. However, because some of the information that we receive through this website is subject to the Public Records Law, Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 66, Section 10, we cannot ensure absolute privacy. Information that you provide to us through this site may be made available to members of the public under that law. This policy informs you of the information that we collect from you at this site and what we do with it. Based on this information, you can make an informed choice about your use of this site.
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Uniform Policy
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Section 508 Policy
In 1998, Congress amended the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to require Federal agencies to make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities. The law (29 U.S.C § 794 (d)) applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain, or use electronic and information technology. Under Section 508, agencies must give disabled employees and members of the public access to information comparable to the access available to others.
The U.S. Access Board is responsible for developing Information and Communication Technology (ICT) accessibility standards to incorporate into regulations that govern Federal procurement practices. On January 18, 2017, the Access Board issued a final rule that updated accessibility requirements covered by Section 508, and refreshed guidelines for telecommunications equipment subject to Section 255 of the Communications Act. The final rule went into effect on January 18, 2018.
The rule updated and reorganized the Section 508 Standards and Section 255 Guidelines in response to market trends and innovations in technology. The refresh also harmonized these requirements with other guidelines and standards both in the U.S. and abroad, including standards issued by the European Commission, and with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0), a globally recognized voluntary consensus standard for web content and ICT.
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We would like to take a moment to inform you of the policies of the Lawrence Public School District pertaining to medications at school. It is the policy of Lawrence Public Schools to administer medication during school house only when the prescribed schedule cannot be met outside of school hours or there is an issue with a student obtaining their medication in the morning prior to school. Lawrence Public Schools requires the following forms to be on file in your child’s health record before we begin to give any medication at school.
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Weather Delays and Early Dismissals Policies
- 2-Hour Delayed Opening for Students
- Early Dismissal for Students
- Arlington Complex
- Breen
- Bruce
- Frost Complex
- Guilmette Complex
- Hennessey
- High School Learning Center
- Lawlor
- Lawrence Family Public Academy
- Lawrence High School Campus
- Leahy
- Leonard
- Oliver Elementary
- Oliver Middle
- Parthum Complex
- Rollins
- School for Exceptional Studies Annex
- School for Exceptional Studies NCEC
- South Lawrence East Elementary
- Spark
- Tarbox
- Wetherbee
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Laptop Use
While the LPS understands that educational uses of the laptops exist outside of school, the laptops are intended for daily in-school, classroom use to support teaching, and learning. Therefore, LPS expects that the laptop will be in-school on a daily basis. The employee agrees to connect the laptop to the LPS network on a regular basis to receive software updates which are deployed weekly via the LPS network.
Laptop is the property of the LPS and is for teaching & learning use by the employee. Placing stickers, writing on, engraving or otherwise defacing/marking the laptop or case are prohibited. The assigned employee assumes the responsibility for the actions of others while using the laptop.
- View Laptop Use Policy English
- View Laptop Use Policy Form English
- View Information About Your New Laptop English
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- Hits: 758